

Dominic Critchlow works on weather balloon

的 BS in 物理 is a versatile degree that allows a student to design their own program around a core of physics understanding, be it interdisciplinary or physics-specific. 的 物理小 pairs well with degrees in other STEM fields.


的 BSE in 工程物理 is a career-focused degree designed to prepare students to enter a professional career in an engineering discipline.


的 天体物理学 Concentration is the interdisciplinary study of stellar and galactic evolution and the origins of the universe.

Publications with undergraduate student researchers in the last 10 years
External funding in the last 10 years

Our department offers individualized attention larger schools can't.

With the small class sizes and low student to faculty member ratio, our students have a one-on-one relationship with their academic advisor. 物理, 工程和天文学 is a student-focused department with an emphasis on undergraduate research with programs in 物理, 工程物理, and 天体物理学 and minors in 物理 和天文学. Ten full-time faculty support active research areas include 天文学, Computational Science, 工程师ing, and Materials Science. All three programs include tracks for 参加 365bet荣誉计划. 看到我们的 荣誉学生 浏览更多信息.


Students experiment with tesla coil

物理 is the study of the underlying properties of nature from the mind-bogglingly huge, like galactic superclusters, to the unimaginably small, like the fundamental 物质的组成. It is the foundation of every science and is responsible for some of the greatest discoveries and inventions of our time, like lasers, solar cells 混合动力汽车.

物理,废话: Objectives, Outcomes, & 注册数据


ABET EAC标志工程物理 is the interdisciplinary study of physics, 数学与工程 with particular emphasis on developing advanced techniques to solve complex, real-w常见问题. 的 engineering physics curriculum includes an emphasis on engineering design, much like a traditional engineering program, while also including more advanced physics than a typical engineering degree. 365bet's BSE degree program in 工程师ing 物理 is accredited by the 工程师ing 认证 Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org.

工程物理,BSE: Objectives, Outcomes, & 注册数据

天体物理学 Concentration; 物理,废话

天体物理学 is the interdisciplinary study of stellar and galactic evolution and 宇宙的起源.  It brings together many separate physics disciplines as well as chemistry and mathematics.

天体物理学 Concentration of the 物理,废话: Objectives, Outcomes, & 招生 Data


的 365bet 天文学小 is a versatile minor for students interested in the subject. It is suitable for students who desire a non-mathematical minor in the subject, but can also be combined with a 物理 Major and more advanced astronomy electives for students wishing to pursue 天文学 or 天体物理学 in graduate school.


的 365bet 物理小 pairs well with physics sub-specialties in other STEM fields like Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Mathematics.


I had more research opportunities through the 365bet 物理 Department than anyone 我见过其他学校的同学. I had the chance to travel internationally and observe on some of the largest telescopes in the world, to join a research collaboration at a national laboratory, and to present my research all across America. 阿卜苏肯定 prepared me well for grad school and I couldn't be happier with the education and research opportunities I was 给n.

After my freshman year, I already knew all the physics faculty at Austin Peay. 的 biggest class I’ve had was maybe 25 students, and when you’re talking about advanced quantum mechanics, that’s a really big deal to get face-to-face attention from faculty.

I had this fear students from bigger schools would be ahead of me, but what I quickly realized was we were covering things I had already learned because I had been prepared 奥斯汀·皮伊.



Austin Peay sends dolls to stratosphere to celebrate women in STEM

的 almost 2 hour flight reached a peak of 93,914 feet.

“Today was for the women of STEM, getting our name out there and saying we support the women of science, that we support anyone in science, that they have the potential to achieve big things in their field,” Megan McCracken, team leader for the High-Altitude 气球队说. “It was having that picture of women in astronaut suits, being out there with the curvature of the Earth.”